
Quick Overview

Capital: Tripoli
Population: 6.37 million
Official language: Arabic
Time zone: Eastern European Standard Time
Emergency #: 1515
Vaccinations required: Yes
Risk of malaria: No
Climate Info

Libya: Travel Health Information

Due to ongoing conflict, travel to Libya is currently not advised. Prior to the conflict, Libya was known for its natural landscapes, history, and culture. Beaches along the country’s Mediterranean coastline, desert landscapes, and ancient Greek, Roman, and Italian artifacts were all popular attractions.


The standards for patient care and medical services in Libya may differ from your home country. Due to the ongoing unrest in the country, upwards of 90% of Libya’s healthcare facilities have been disabled as a result of destruction, a lack of supplies, and a shortage of personnel. As such, the quality of services does not meet international standards, and accessibility to healthcare services is extremely limited.

In the event of a medical emergency, contact your travel health insurance company immediately. Hospitals and private practitioners in Libya typically require upfront payment, regardless if you have travel health insurance. Evacuation – possibly to Western Europe – will be required for medical emergencies. Ensure that you have accessible funds to cover upfront fees and adequate travel health insurance, including evacuation. Before you depart, check with your insurer about the coverage they provide for travel to Libya.

Pharmacies and medications

Pharmacies and medicines in Libya are extremely limited. Make sure to pack a sufficient supply of essential medications for the duration of your trip.

If you are travelling with medication, check with Libya’s embassy, consulate, or Ministry of Health for details on medication allowances and restrictions. Note that these sources may provide incomplete or out-of-date information.

Road safety

Urban roads are typically paved but may be poorly maintained. Roads in rural areas may be unlit and many do not have signage or are poorly marked. Reckless driving is common in Libya’s cities. Seat belts and helmets should be worn by drivers and passengers of vehicles and motorcycles at all times.

  • Country Reports. Traffic and Road Conditions in Libya.
  • World Health Organizaion. Health sector Libya.
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