Doctors & Clinics in Mauritania
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Due to ongoing conflict, non-essential travel to Mauritania is not advised. Mauritania is known for its wildlife and natural landscapes, including its long coastline and vast desert area. During the winter months, visitors can see thousands of migratory birds along the country’s coast.
The standards for patient care and medical services in Mauritania may differ from your home country. Mauritania has a public healthcare system and a few private options. The quality of care does not meet international standards. Public facilities are under-funded and only provide basic care, especially in rural areas where facilities are frequently short-staffed. In Nouakchott, there is one major hospital equipped for medical emergencies. Most of the country’s healthcare personnel are concentrated in Nouakchott, where the majority work in private practices or clinics.
In the event of a medical emergency, contact your travel health insurance company immediately. Hospitals and private practitioners in Mauritania typically require upfront payment, regardless if you have travel health insurance. Evacuation – possibly to Western Europe – may be required for medical emergencies. Ensure that you have accessible funds to cover upfront fees and adequate travel health insurance, including evacuation. Before you depart, check with your insurer about the extent of their coverage in Mauritania.
The pharmaceutical sector in Mauritania has been largely privatized over the past decade. As such, pharmacies may be easy to find in Nouakchott and larger cities, but access varies by region. Some medications may be in short supply. Make sure to pack a sufficient supply of essential medication for the duration of your trip.
If you are travelling with medication, check with Mauritania’s embassy, consulate, or Ministry of Health for details on medication allowances and restrictions. Note that these sources may provide incomplete or out-of-date information.
Many roads in Mauritania are unpaved and in poor condition. Due to ongoing conflict and violence, it is advised to travel in well-equipped convoys.