
Quick Overview

Capital: Warsaw
Population: 37.97 million
Official languages: Polish & Kashubian
Time zone: Central European Time/Central European Summer Time (CET/CEST)
Emergency #: 112
Vaccinations required: No
Risk of malaria: No
Climate Info

Poland: Travel Health Information

Poland is known for its historic cities, featuring picturesque gardens and communist-era architecture. Travellers can also explore Poland’s various castles, national parks, and mountain ranges, such as the Carpathian, Sudetes, and Swietokrzyskie.


The standards for patient care and medical services in Poland may differ from your home country. Poland has a mixed public and private healthcare system that generally meets international standards. However, the quality of care and efficiency of service can vary. Healthcare in rural regions may be inadequate and have long wait times. Doctors and nurses usually speak some English.

In the event of a medical emergency, contact your travel health insurance company immediately. Hospitals in Poland typically require upfront payment in cash or credit card, regardless if you have travel health insurance. Ensure that you have accessible funds to cover upfront fees and adequate travel health insurance to reimburse you and cover any additional medical costs. Before you depart, check with your insurer about the extent of their coverage in Poland.

Pharmacies and medications

Pharmacies are widely available and are commonly privately owned. Prescriptions for medications must be obtained from a doctor but many medicines can be purchased over-the-counter. However, you should always consult with a doctor before taking a new medication. Pharmacists are trained and licensed.

If you are travelling with medication, check with Poland’s embassy, consulate, or Ministry of Health for details on medication allowances and restrictions. If your medication is a psychotropic or narcotic, you can review Poland’s regulations on the International Narcotics Control Board. Note that these sources may provide incomplete or out-of-date information.

Road safety

Roads in Poland are generally well maintained but can vary by region. Seat belts must be worn by all passengers at all times. Helmets are mandatory for motorcycle drivers and passengers.

  • Anna Piecuch, Malgorzata Kozlowska-Wojciechowska. Self-medication in Poland: the pharmacist’s advisory role in Warsaw. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. (2012).
  • Employed community Pharmacists in Europe. Current situation of the Polish pharmacy sector. Employed community Pharmacists in Europe.
  • European Observatory. State of Health in the EU: Poland. European Commission. (2017).
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