Sierra Leone
Yellow Fever

Sierra Leone: Required Vaccination

Yellow Fever

Entry requirements

A Yellow Fever vaccination certificate is required on arrival from all travellers.

Children: A vaccination certificate is required for children of all ages. However, Yellow Fever vaccination is not recommended for children under 9 months of age. If travel is unavoidable and the child's physician considers vaccination unwise, ask for a certificate on the physician's own stationary stating the child's age being less than one year as a contraindication to vaccination. Although this is in accordance with World Health Organization resolutions, some countries may not honour such a certificate and the infant may be put under surveillance upon arrival.

The vaccination requirement is imposed by this country for protection against Yellow Fever since the principal mosquito vector Aedes aegypti is present in its territory.

Last reviewed and updated: April 2021

Travel notice

Countries may change their vaccination requirements without notice and in some instances border agents use their discretion to deny entry despite the officially stated requirements.

If there is risk of Yellow Fever at your destination, whether vaccination is required for entry or not, be prepared to show a certificate of vaccination or a waiver stating the medical reasons for not being vaccinated.